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中国式民主对马克思主义民主观的继承和发展 (4)


[1][54]《习近平在中央人大工作会议上发表重要讲话强调 坚持和完善人民代表大会制度 不断发展全过程人民民主》,《人民日报》,2021年10月15日,第1版。























[34]《习近平在省部级主要领导干部学习贯彻十八届六中全会精神专题研讨班开班式上发表重要讲话强调 以解决突出问题为突破口和主抓手 推动党的十八届六中全会精神落到实处》,《人民日报》,2017年2月14日,第1版。

[35]《中共中央政治局召开民主生活会强调树牢“四个意识”坚定“四个自信”坚决做到“两个维护”勇于担当作为 以求真务实作风把党中央决策部署落到实处》,《人民日报》,2018年12月27日,第1版。





[45]全国人大常委会法制工作委员会:《发展全过程人民民主 加强和改进新时代立法工作》,《人民日报》,2021年10月26日,第9版。





[50]中共政协全国委员会机关党组:《践行全过程人民民主 推进专门协商机构建设》,《人民日报》,2021年11月25日,第9版。





[56]习近平:《决胜全面建成小康社会 夺取新时代中国特色社会主义伟大胜利》,《人民日报》,2017年10月28日,第1版。

[57]《中共中央关于坚持和完善中国特色社会主义制度 推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化若干重大问题的决定》,《人民日报》,2019年11月6日,第1版。


[59]《夯实民主基石 汇聚澎湃力量——以习近平同志为核心的党中央推进全过程人民民主建设纪实》,《人民日报》,2022年3月3日,第1版。


责 编/马冰莹

孙应帅,中国社会科学院大学马克思主义学院教授,中国社会科学院马克思主义研究院马克思主义发展史研究室主任、研究员,中国社会科学院创新工程首席研究员。研究方向为马克思主义基本原理、马克思主义发展史、党的建设。主要著作有《中国共产党党内民主理论研究》《大道之行 天下为公——树立正确的平等观》《新时期党的建设理论创新研究》等。

The Chinese Style Democracy Inherits and Develops the Marxist Concept of Democracy

Sun Yingshuai

Abstract: In the process of promoting the socialist democratic politics with Chinese characteristics, the CPC has always adhered to the essential provisions and key points of the Marxist concept of democracy and embarked on a development path suited to China's national conditions. In terms of the essence of democracy, the "class democracy" of the proletariats was developed into the "people's democracy" led by the proletariats and participated by all democratic classes through seizing political power and changing production relations and social structure, thus realizing the unity of "democracy" and "dictatorship"; in terms of the principle of democracy, the "complete democracy" originally conceived by Marx and Engels was developed into "democratic centralism" through Lenin's "democratic centralism", thus realizing the unity of "democracy" and "centralization"; in terms of the form of democracy, the "universal suffrage democracy" and "representative democracy" explored and practiced by the Paris Commune, the Soviet Republic representing the workers, peasants and soldiers and the Chinese National People's Congress have been developed into "whole-process democracy" through the new democracy of "integration of legislative and executive powers" and the unique "consultative democracy", thus realizing the unity of process democracy and result democracy, procedural democracy and substantive democracy, direct democracy and indirect democracy, and people's democracy and the will of the state.

Keywords: Marxist concept of democracy, Chinese style democracy, democratic centralism, people's democracy, whole-process democracy

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