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在全球化的时代背景下,随着新闻和媒介文化的生产者、内容与受众共享某个特定民族—国家参照系的趋势逐渐减弱,新的传播格局或逻辑已经显现。1977年,英国媒体社会学家杰瑞米·滕斯托尔(Jeremy Tunstall)出版了一本日后被广为引用的著作《媒体是美国的》(The Media are American)。三十年后,他开始认识到,这样的论断在一个美国只是其中一极的多极世界中并没有持续的说服力。因此,他把该书新版改名为《媒介曾经是美国的》(The Media were American)。美国在全球传播体系中的日渐式微,为以金砖国家为代表的“世界其他地区的崛起”(the rise of the Rest)提供了契机。在“全球、全民、全媒”的新型传播格局下,信息的流动必然以多元的民族—国家参照系之间的竞争与整合为基础。任何单边地强化某一特定民族—国家的利益与诉求的传播行为,也必然受到冷遇或挑战。因此,以服务国家利益和塑造国家形象为目的,依靠举国动员来发起、依赖行政权力来推进、企图向世界强行宣传与推广特定文化价值观的国际传播,需要向基于全球受众信息交流的自发需要、超越一国立场并关注全球人类共同话题的全球传播转变。国际传播服务于特定的民族国家,而全球传播旨在推动整个世界的沟通与治理。简言之,“王道”取代“霸道”、“观念政治”超越“现实政治”已经成为不可抗拒的时代潮流。随着中国作为“新兴大国”的重要性日益凸显,如何将服务于“现实政治”的传统外宣升级为体现“观念政治”的国家战略传播,在坚持国家核心利益的前提下承担应尽的国际责任和义务,推动全球治理,提升我国的“道义感召力”,将成为实现我国外宣工作理念和实践创新的根本出发点和落脚点。



1 International Telecommunication Union (ITU), ICT Data and Statistics (IDS), Global Numbers of Individuals Using the Internet, Total and Per 100 Inhabitants, 2001-2011; Mobile-Cellular Telephone Subscriptions [EB/OL],, 2012-10-08.

2 史安斌:《全球·全民·全媒》,《国际传播前沿研究》,北京:清华大学出版社,2012年,第21~25页。

3 David Ronfeldt & John Arquilla, "Noopolitik: A New Paradigm for Public Diplomacy," in The Handbook for Public Diplomacy, Routledge, 2009.

4 近年来提出的类似概念还有“赛博政治”(cyberpolitik, Rothkopf 1998);“网络政治”(netpolitik, Bollier 2003);“信息政治”(infopolitik, Fiske de Gouveia & Plumridge 2005)等。

5 排在首位的德国,全球民众对其持负面看法的为15%,美国排在第八位,全球民众对其持负面看法的为34%,报告全文见:。

6 对美国持负面看法的为37%,报告全文见:。

7 U.S. Department of Defense, Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms, 2011.

8 U.S. Defense Department, Strategic Communication Joint Integrating Concept, 2009.

From Realpolitik to Noopolitik

—How to Strengthen Moral Appeal in the National Strategic Communication

Shi Anbin  Wang Xi

Abstract: Establishing national strategic communication mechanism and conducting "great power publicity" is an important measure to implement Comrade Xi Jinping's principle of "improving the moral appeal". In fact, the concept of "moral appeal" is a depiction of the historical trend in which "Wangdao politics" with "permanent morality" at its core and soft power as its means gradually replaces the "Badao politics" with "vested interests" at its core and hard power as its means. It also has theoretical significance in guiding China's current "great power publicity". From the point of view of the current international public opinion environment, the traditional foreign publicity work should be upgraded to the national strategic communication, and should not serve the "realpolitik" only, but more importantly, reflect the concept of "noopolitik". Looking at the changes in China's overall national strength and the public opinion environment, the concept of "noopolitik" and the principle of "improving the moral appeal" are consistent with each other, and provide the theoretical basis and practical guidance for China to carry out the "great power publicity" project.

Keywords: the moral appeal, noopolitik, strategic communication, national image, soft power



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