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走向2030:中国空间天文的发展与展望 (6)




①关于宇宙学参数的最新数值,参见欧洲普朗克卫星最新数据结果:Planck Collaboration,"Planck 2015 results. XIII. Cosmological parameters," Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2016, p. 594。

②张双南:《我国空间天文发展的现状和展望》,《中国科学:物理学 力学 天文学》,2012年第42期,第1308~1320页。


④Jiangchuan Huang et al., "The Ginger-shaped Asteroid 4179 Toutatis: New Observations from a Successful Flyby of Chang'e-2", 2013, Scientific Reports 3, Article number: 3411.

⑤Fukugita, Hogan,and Peebles, "The Cosmic Baryon Budget", 1998, Astrophysical Journal, p.503.


Towards 2030: The Development and Prospect of Chinese Space Astronomy

Fang Taotao

Abstract: Astronomy is a scientific discipline for humans to understand the space and explore the universe, and space astronomy focuses on using space observation equipment to conduct scientific research on the universe. This paper first introduces the development of international astronomy, as well as the main direction and key problems of modern astronomical research. Secondly, it focuses on the development of space astronomy in China, and introduces the key directions of several spatial astronomical studies, using the missing baryon problem as an example. Finally, the paper discusses how Chinese astronomical institutions conduct and support spatial astronomical research, and the prospect of its future development.

Keywords: Space Astronomy, Universe, the Baryon Problem

责 编∕杨昀赟

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标签: 中国   天文   发展   空间