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“一带一路”助力中国重返世界经济中心 (16)

17张高丽:《创新引领行动 推进互联互通——在亚欧互联互通产业对话会上的讲话》,2015年5月27日,新华网,。


Restoring China's World Economic Center Status

with the "One Belt and One Road" Initiative

Xia Xianliang

Abstract: The ancient Silk Road is the channel for China to communicate with the world, the path of China's opening up to the outside world, and a symbol of China's status as the world economic center in history. For thousands of years, China has been the world economic and cultural center. But in the last two centuries, China missed the world economic booming opportunity brought about by the western industrial revolution and the great geographical discovery, and was marginalized by the Western powers, thus losing its world economic center status. In the face of the US return to the Asia Pacific and its Asia-Pacific rebalancing strategy, China's implementation of the "One Belt and One Road" initiative will expand the economic and trade cooperation between Europe, Asia and Africa; change the current world economic order and global trade and investment pattern; and will help China to return to its position as the world economic center.

Keywords: the "One Belt and One Road" Initiative, the Silk Road, world economic center, international division of labor, world economic order

责 编∕杨昀贇

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标签: 世界经济   中国   一带